About Me

Hi! I am an Assistant Professor of Operations Management and Statistics at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management.

My research interests intersect data science, statistics, economics, and optimization, with a focus on real-world applications in retail, pricing, transportation, supply chains, and emergining technologies.

I obtained my PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) from the University of California, Berkeley, where I was fortunate to be advised by Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen and Aditya Guntuboyina (Department of Statistics). During my PhD, I also spent time at Amazon Supply Chain Optimization Technologies (SCOT) and Alibaba Cloud. Prior to Berkeley, I obtained my BS in Mathematics from the University of Science and Technology of China.


  • July 2024 Presenting in MSOM at Minneapolis, RMP at Los Angeles, and ISMP at Montreal. See you there!
  • Apr 2024 New version of our Learning While Repositioning paper is posted.
  • Apr 2024 I am excited and grateful to receive the NSERC Discovery Grant!
  • Feb 2024 Congratulations to my student mentee Zeqi Ye for being admitted to the Northwestern IEMS PhD Program!
  • Jan 2024 Paper on Smoothness Adaptive Dynamic Pricing is accepted to AISTATS 2024.
  • Jan 2024 Teaching RSM270 Operations Management in Winter 2024.
  • Dec 2023 Approved funding from the CANSSI Ontario Multidisciplinary Doctoral (Mdoc) Training Program (Joint with Qiang Sun)!
  • Dec 2023 Talks at USTC School of Management and POMS-HK.
  • Oct 2023 I will be at INFORMS Annual Meeting 2023 at Phoenix (related sessions).
  • Aug 2023 Invited talks at MOPTA 2023 ("Potential Energy Advantage of Quantum Economy") and YinzOR 2023 ("Intertemporal Pricing in the Presence of Consumer Behaviors").
  • June 2023 Honored to receive the Second Place in Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition, Conference on SCM in the Post-Pandemic and AI Age. See the recording for a brief 20-min introduction.
  • Jan 2023 Excited to teach as an instructor for the first time! Welcome to STAT 153: Introduction to Time Series.
  • Dec 2022 New manuscript "Learning While Repositioning in On-Demand Vehicle Sharing Networks" is posted on SSRN!
  • Oct 2022 Our paper "Quantum Computing Methods for Supply Chain Management" is published on the Proceeding of 2022 IEEE/ACM 7th Symposium on Edge Computing - Workshop on Quantum Computing!
  • Aug 2022 I won a prize in the flash talk competition at YinzOR 2022 held by Carnegie Mellon University!

Prospective Students

I am always looking forward to working with self-motivated students. If you think our interests might overlap, please feel free to send me an email.